13 December 2023

Building students’ awareness of financial inclusion in Abidjan

On 8 December, AFI’s Africa Regional Office held a financial inclusion awareness session for students from the Université Félix Houphouet Boigny in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.  

Students were guided through the financial inclusion landscape, learning about current barriers to financial services, approaches to expanding access, and the regulatory landscape for financial products. Students gained a thorough understanding of financial inclusion principles and practices, and of its vital role in Sub-Saharan Africa’s socio-economic development. 

Engaging with university students serves a valuable purpose for AFI’s Africa Regional Office. Raising awareness among this influential demographic ensures that the importance of financial inclusion can be relayed to their fellow students and communities. It also offers practical insight to students who are keen to follow an entrepreneurial path. 

Highlighting financial inclusion’s importance to the next generation of African business and policy leaders will be a key priority for AFI in coming years.

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