A woman in wheelchair using credit card and ATM machine

16 November 2023

Financial inclusion for people with disabilities: new AFI insight

Recognizing financial inclusion’s vital role in helping people with disabilities (PWDs) to fulfil their potential, on 15 November, 123 attendees from 38 countries took part in an AFI Virtual Webinar on Financial Inclusion for PWDs.

AFI members exchanged feedback on national initiatives, examined the ongoing barriers and challenges which PWDs face in accessing financial products, and explored how effective financial inclusion policies can be designed.

The event coincided with the publication of a new AFI Special Report, Financial Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities, which presents national strategies, policies, and initiatives from AFI member institutions.

Given the strong interest across the AFI network, AFI’s Policy Analysis & Guidance team will be facilitating further peer learning for members on this important topic.

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